Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Please join me in congratulating P.L. Yizzi on the release of her short story, Katu! I had the pleasure of offering some editorial assistance on this tale of a young man of two worlds and his grandfather during the American Revolution, and I designed the cover. Here's the book description:

There is no greater thrill or terror than when history demands one’s attendance. 

1777. Germantown, Pennsylvania. Winter looms. The enemy has arrived, potent and bitter, and camped just across the sleepy little creek from young patriot Joshua, who now doubts the good sense of his father’s involvement in the Glorious Cause. Unfazed by the mortal threat on their doorstep, his Native American grandfather, Katu, seems to care nothing for the rebellion. His only concern is to ready his tattered old fishing net, that seems to be disintegrating nearly as fast as he is, for spring and the shad he believes Providence will send to feed the men winter didn’t want. But Katu knows winter wants him and will have him. With a broken heart and old net, Katu has one last hope, and that is salvaging the impossible. He has lived his long life absolving himself of the matters of the white man, the white man who took his world from him, the white man who gave him his grandson in whom he has placed his total surrender, his absolute victory. 

Reluctant, Joshua aides Katu in the repair of his net, and in the months to follow, Joshua realizes how little he knew of the seemingly indifferent old relic who would ultimately gift his grandson the freedom stolen from him. 

Katu is available now in ebook format on Amazon

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