Friday, June 8, 2018

Sisters Three and Love, the Journey Uncovered

Please join me in congratulating Mara Gold on the publication of Sisters Three and Love, the Journey Uncovered! I had the pleasure of helping Mara design the covers. Here are the book descriptions:

Abigail, Bridget, and Cassandra Darby are sisters fallen on hard times. Their mother has worked hard to support them and now it is their turn to earn a living.

Faithful Abigail is approached about a position as parlor maid in London’s fashionable West End. At first she is warmly welcomed by the household, but swiftly they turn against her as she spends more and more time with the master.

Cautious Bridget takes a position in a country home and quickly learns that her growing love for an amiable man is dangerous as she is warned over and over to leave. Her life is at stake. Will she leave for safety, or risk her life and stay for the sake of love?

Capricious Cassandra takes action after her mother informs her of a decision that she has made that she is not a part of. Will Cassandra’s decision break her heart or will love and forgiveness come from it?

In the end, will the three sisters live happily ever after? Or will deception, deceit, hate, and even death come and steal their happiness away?


The Lyons are a loyal, tight-knit family bonded by love. They are lifted from poverty to a future seemingly bright with hope. Unexpected loss devastates beautiful sisters Gwendolen and Tressa Lyon. One of the sisters deals with the loss in a healthier way while the other seeks to escape into a marriage with a man she barely knows. Their journey is anything but ordinary as they find a new normal with God sustaining them. Will happiness be theirs, or will death come again through deception and dash their future? Join Gwendolen and Tressa in their journey set in eighteenth-century Devon and Cornwall.

Sisters Three and Love, the Journey Uncovered are available in ebook and print editions on Amazon, and you can add them to your shelves on Goodreads.

Need a cover designer?
Email me anytime to chat about your project!