Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tears of Sorrow

Please join me in congratulating Dale Swanson on the publication of his third novel, Tears of Sorrow, the sequel to his acclaimed novel The Thirty-Ninth Man! I had the pleasure of helping Dale with a developmental edit and a copyedit, and I designed the cover. Here's the book description:

Anton McAllister leads his Dakota family west to escape the white backlash after the US-Dakota War of 1862. Settling into the Black Hills, they merge with the Miniconjou Lakota band of Lone Horn. Anton’s adopted son, Four Wings, befriends the militant warrior Crazy Horse, and their world is turned upside down as they deal with disingenuous treaties, an illegal war brought on by the Grant Administration, and a deranged bounty hunter no larger than a child.

Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, and powerful men from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Nations make their stand when the army begins to build forts along the Bozeman Trail.

Red Cloud wins his war, the great herds of buffalo are methodically destroyed, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull are murdered, and Wounded Knee Creek becomes the death wail of a free Sioux Nation.

And throughout it all, Four Wings struggles to reconcile the good white men he has known, including the mixed blood who raised him, with those who seek to subdue or destroy the  Sioux Nation.

Tears of Sorrow is available now in ebook and print formats on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, Add it to your shelves on Goodreads, and check out Dale's website for info on his books and public appearances.

Need an editor or cover designer?
Email me anytime to chat about your project!